
Meta directory

blueprint_cloner.settings.META_DIRECTORY = '.blueprint-cloner'

Directory to store meta files for the blueprint cloner, such as the post scripts and blueprint-specific namespaces.


blueprint_cloner.settings.CLONER_PACKAGES_INDEX_URL = ''

The PyPi packages index where the Blueprint Cloner packages are uploaded, used for version checks.

blueprint_cloner.settings.BLUEPRINT_PROJECTS_URL = ''

The GitLab API URL where all blueprints are stored.

blueprint_cloner.settings.BLUEPRINT_URL = '{blueprint}.git'

The Git URL where the blueprint can be found. The variable {blueprint} is automatically substituted with the desired blueprint name.

blueprint_cloner.settings.PROJECT_URL = '{namespace}/{name}.git'

The Git URL where the new project is created. The variables {namespace} and {name} are automatically substituted.


blueprint_cloner.settings.DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT = 'django'

The default blueprint name when the users defines no explicit blueprint.

blueprint_cloner.settings.DEFAULT_VERSION = 'master'

The default blueprint version when the users defines no explicit version.

blueprint_cloner.settings.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = 'confirm'

The default GitLab namespace where blueprints are created when the user defines no explicit namespace and there’s no blueprint-specific namespace.


blueprint_cloner.settings.INIT_COMMIT = 'FEATURE: Create project from {blueprint}@{version} blueprint'

The Git commit message when a new project is cloned. The variables {blueprint} and {version} will automatically be substituted.


blueprint_cloner.settings.UPGRADE_COMMIT = 'REFACTOR: Upgrade project to {blueprint}@{version} blueprint'

The Git commit message when an existing project is upgraded. The variables {blueprint} and {version} will automatically be substituted.

blueprint_cloner.settings.UPGRADE_BRANCH = 'blueprint-upgrade'

Name of the blueprint upgrade branch name.

blueprint_cloner.settings.UPGRADE_MESSAGE = '\nUPGRADE 50% FINISHED\n--------------------\n\nThe good news is, the files of the blueprint {blueprint} at version {version} are applied and\ncommitted to your Git repository in a separate branch called "{branch}".\n\nThe bad news is, upgrades can be tricky since we can\'t identify any side effects or merge conflicts\nin doing so. Therefore, the current state is like this:\n\n    - The "{branch}" branch is NOT based on the tip of your repository\n    - The "{branch}" branch is based on the initial commit\n    - The "{branch}" branch will most likely not include your modifications\n\nFortunately, you\'re working with Git, which means:\n\n    - Git commits will "only" define the changes to the last commit\n    - Git commits will reflect these changes with some sort of "patches"\n    - There\'s a new commit in the "{branch}" branch\n    - This commit includes exactly these differences between the old & new blueprint version\n    - The commit can now be used to apply it on the top of the tip of your repository\n\nSo what you want to do now is veryfing the new commit by running this command:\n\n    > git show\n\nIf you want to change that commit, the most straight-forward way would be changing the files and\nthen ammend the changes to the upgrade commit:\n\n    > git add -A\n    > git commit --amend\n\nIf you\'re satisfied with the changes, you can rebase everything on top of "master":\n\n    > git rebase master\n\nDo NOT (NEVER EVER) rebase "master"! Do rebase "{branch}" on top of "master".\nYou might get side effects & merge conflicts now, which must be solved manually. When the rebase is\ndone, you might want to have a look at the commit / changes again:\n\n    > git show\n\nI hope you\'ve some proper tests, because now is the time to run them, probably via:\n\n    > make test\n\nIf you missed a change before the rebase, or if you simply want to change / fix something now, you\ncan easily use the same commit procedure as before:\n\n    > git add -A\n    > git commit --amend\n\nEventually when you\'re finished and all tests are running flawlessly, you\'re ready to merge your\nchanges back into "master". You can either to that by opening a Merge Request in GitLab, or locally:\n\n    > git checkout master\n    > git merge --ff {branch}\n    > git pull --rebase\n    > git push\n'

The message which is displayed after the upgrade.